Engineering leader able to unite technical excellence with strategic project management. Adept at harmonizing multiple levels of complex systems - UI/UX, server management, core business logic, databases, firmware, and the fiddly bits in between - while ensuring strategic alignment with organizational goals.
Senior IoT Engineer • MarkforgedApril 2021 - August 2024
Tools / Skills: Typescripa, HTML / CSS, Aurelia, Circle CI, AWS, CAD, Technical and Project Management
Led a team to redesign and implement a new user interface for the latest generation of industrial printers, greatly improving usability, customer outcomes, and reducing confusion.
Coordinated with several separate departments to develop and implement a suite of automated tests to assess printer health in a human-readable format, allowing pre-emptive identification of issues in the internal printer fleet and on customer machines.
Mentored and managed the work of several junior engineers, working with other managers to focus the team's work towards areas where we could have the greatest impact on the organization's goals.
Tools / Skills: C, C#, JS, HTML / CSS, ROS, Unity, 3D Simulation, Robotic Arms, Mobile Robot Platforms, Autodesk Revit
Designed and built a simulation environment to streamline functional and regression tests for our physical systems, reduce engineer reliance on costly hardware, simulate new environments, and refine job cost estimates.
Designed and created a user interface for Canvas' drywall finishing robot, allowing non-technical operators to use the machine on jobsites independently, increasing both the rate of customer feedback and engineer throughput.
Conducted interviews with engineering candidates to assess technical abilities in a standardized, measurable way using a variety of interview techniques, questions, and coding challenges.
Tools / Skills: Python, JS, C, HTML / CSS, GCP, Google App Engine, Google Cloud NDB, Arduino, Robotic Liquid Handlers
Streamlined scientist workflows by automating data gathering, organization, analysis, processing, and warehousing, saving an immense amount of time over the existing manual methods.
Built low-cost test rigs to enable measurement of new attributes, allowing teams to move quickly, save money testing, and help determine when specialized hardware purchases were warranted.
Designed and built 8 independent infrastructureless Google App Engine applications to ingest, collate, and present data to teams focusing on different aspects of the product.
Tools / Skills: Java, Python, C, SQL, MongoDB, AVR and PIC Microcontrollers, Mobile Robot Platforms
Worked directly with customers as on-site support staff for Vecna's flagship robot, the QC Bot, during trials at customer sites.
Integrated low-level sensors, improved navigation performance, and developed protocols for server communication, inter-robot coordination, user interface control, and control of on-site infrastructure.
Developed the user interface used by remote support staff to monitor robots worldwide with minimal latency and respond to issues in real-time without requiring intimate knowledge of the system.
Cornell University, Computer Science DepartmentSep 2011 - May 2012
Master of Computer Science
Worcester Polytechnic University, Robotics DepartmentSep 2007 - May 2011